Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 4, 2013 Email:

Welcome to week #2 of the 2013-14 school year!
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We hope your first week of school was a good one, despite the crazy heat! Now  that it feels the way September should feel, it’s time to enjoy the promise and excitement of a new school year.
WELCOME to our new families who may be receiving this email newsletter for the first time. We promise that we will not fill your inbox with junk. Every effort is made to keep our communication brief and to-the-point. That said, here’s some noteworthy news for the month of September at Waite Park Community School:

1st PTA Meeting
Wednesday, September 11
Waite Park Rec Center (enter Door #2)
6:00 – Snack & Chat
6:30 – Meeting
This first meeting will be PACKED with information for new and returning Waite Park families.  If you’re new to the school, you will meet us, we will meet you – it will be wonderful. Everyone will learn how they can get involved. We have committees! We have jobs both large and small! There really is something for everyone, no matter what your interest, talent, or ability.  We will also vote to approve (or not) the 2013-14 budget, which is very important.  Finally, our lovely Principal, Cindy Mueller, will present us with some fantastic new services and programs beginning at Waite Park this year.
Our meetings always include Spanish translation and free childcare for ages 3+.

Hi-5/Kindergarten – 1st Grade Playdate
Thursday, September 12
Waite Park Rec Center & Playground
6:30 pm
Starting school can be stressful for little ones. Come spend time getting them familiar with their new environment in a FUN setting! This will be a great opportunity to meet your child’s new classmates and get to know other Hi-5/Kindergarten and 1st Grade families. Stop by at your convenience and stay for as long or short as you like.  Questions? Contact Jill Nelson @ 612-419-0956 or

Waite Park Community Council’s Fall Festival
Saturday, September 14
Waite Park
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
This year, the Waite Park neighborhood is celebrating the 30th Anniversary of their Fall Festival and the 5th Annual Waite Park Pushcart Derby.  This should be a fun time of pushcart races, live music, food, kids entertainment, a silent auction and a gardeners plant exchange.
For those daring enough to build a pushcart and compete to win, there's $400 available in cash prizes, with the 1st place winner taking home $200, 2nd place $100, and $100 for "The Most Creative Push Cart." Official rules, registration forms, and a sample pushcart diagram is available at

Money for Waite with NO EFFORT!

Do you shop at Target? Of course you do...
You might have heard about Target's "Take Charge of Education" program. But what you might NOT know is that the Target RED card does not have to be a credit card. Many of us avoid additional credit cards in our lives, but the RED Card can now be just a DEBIT card, and you can still designate Waite Park as your school of choice, so that every time you use the RED Card at Target, a percentage of what you've spent goes to Waite Park! And it really adds up - the next time you're at the Target at the Quarry, check the Take Charge of Education sign at the register. Waite Park is listed there as having received over $30,000 so far! But we are lagging behind many other schools in the neighborhood, so we thought we'd spread the word to see if we can catch up. For more information, go to:

What is "Area A?"

Area Parent Advisory Council meetings provide parents an opportunity to meet with the district's associate superintendents who represent each area, parents from other neighborhood schools, and community leaders to:
  • Provide input concerning school-related issues.
  • Make recommendations in support of enhancing learning opportunities and environments.
  • Advocate for issues vital to the success of schools, youth, and families in their community.
Each Area Parent Advisory Council selects two people to represent them on the District Parent Advisory Council. Area A includes all of the schools in North and Northeast Minneapolis.
The next Area A meeting will be on Monday, October 07, 2013 6:00 PM at Sheridan Arts Magnet School (1201 University Ave NE).  Our Area A Community Liaison is Jocelyn Beard, 612-516-0901 and our Associate Superintendent is Michael Thomas.

Upcoming Events

Sep. 11 - 1st PTA Meeting!
Sep. 12 - Hi5/K-1st Playdate
Sep. 14 - Fall Festival
Oct.  7 -    Area A Meeting

PTA Board & Chairs

President - Jenn Bennington (Archer-5th)
Vice President - Amanda Muenzner (Erin-2nd)
Treasurer - Jed Van Zee (Elaine-4th, Harry-2nd)
Secretary - Kjersti Nelson (Tagen-3rd, Kaija-1st)

Fundraising - Jill Pearson-Wood (Adam-3rd, Dylan-1st)
Communications - Samantha Pree-Stinson (Gabe-2nd)
Events - Betsy Johnson (Oliver-5th, Ella-3rd, Lucy-K)
Grants - Liz Zimbinski (Eli-1st)
Graphic Artist - Leah Peroni (London-2nd)
Volunteers (Events) - Brad Dunham (Fletcher-5th, Mason-3rd)
Volunteers (Classroom) - Connie Wegner
Spanish Liaison - Mary Farrell (Emiliano-4th)
Spanish Liaison - Kyliah Villa (Samantha-2nd)
Northeast Middle Liaison - Tammy Rusnacko (Charlie-3rd)

PTA Class Representatives
PTA Class Representatives allow parents to act as liaisons between the PTA board and the teacher and families in your child's class.  PTA Class Reps are members of the Communications Committee. This is a great way to meet more of your child's classmates and their families!
●      Help to coordinate coin collection during Fall fundraising for your class (October)
●      Coordinate your class's donation for the Silent Auction fundraiser (March-April)
●      Keep in touch with your teacher and your class parents regarding grant requests, participation in PTA family events, etc. (ongoing)
●      Be identified on the PTA and school website as a contact person for your class
PTA Class Representatives should attend as many PTA board and regular meetings as possible, but it is not necessary that they attend every meeting.  It is not required that PTA Class Representatives have daytime hours available.  Much of the communication with teachers and families can be done via web or phone.
If you are interested in being a class representative, call Samantha Pree-Stinson at
612-267-3266 or email us at:

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