Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Chester Thanks You

I'd post a picture of an ecstatic Chester, but he's camera shy.  I hope you got a chance to glimpse him in the halls, counting your kids' coins, and generally bringing joy and income into our Waite Park lives.

Why's Chester So Happy?

Because we exceeded our goal for the Fall Coin Drive!  Our hope was to collect $5,000 ($3,000 in coins and $2,000 in classroom sponsors).  We actually collected over $3800 in coins thanks to the generous support of families!  The winning classrooms each week got to enjoy treats, and the final winners get the bigger prizes!  Ask your kids what they won.  Chester wouldn't tell me.
A big thanks to these sponsors for providing support to our classrooms (you can click on corporate sponsor names to go to their webpages):
-        Anderson Family
-        Bender Family
-        Binder Heating
-        Christensen Family
-        Discount 70
-        Esguerra Family
-        Genevieve's Pet Care
-     Sunbeam Healing Arts       
-        Larson Dental (3 classrooms)
-        Toews Family
-        Turbo Tim's 

What else do we have in store?


Well, first, some of our typical activities:
PTA meeting – Thursday, Nov. 5 (6:30 – 8 pm) – Waite Park School:  This will be an opportunity to hear more about what the PTA does.  We'll have tables where you can speak to committee or board members.  Take part as little or as much as you want.  You're always welcome!
Dine Out for Schools – Monday, November 16 – Parkway Pizza (third Monday of every month)

PTA meeting – Thursday, Dec. 3 (6:30 – 8 pm) – Waite Park School

And last, but not least:

Craftstravaganza:  Friday, Dec. 4


Remember, we can always use more volunteers.  We love having you join us to create amazing community events like Craftstravaganza (details below).  Come join us for a PTA meeting, or email Emily ( if you'd like to help out with the event.



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