Thursday, October 3, 2013

What is new at Waite?

Waite Park has been making great strides in closing the achievement gap. Although we are still a focus school, we continually make progress in the areas of math and reading. We strive to meet state standards. As school and community leaders, we champion for our children and work together to provide them with opportunities and bright futures. Our school, along with NE schools of Marcy and Edison, has made such large progress that as a Title I eligible school, we have been recognized. The principal has applied for Celebration School Status. We are proud of our school. Please take a moment to reflect on this moment and continue to partner with the school and community to keep Waite great!


If you have a child in 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th, grade ask them about ST math! This is on online program that reinforces concepts taught in the classroom. Students are able to use this program during intervention time for 90 minutes per week. If you are interested in having them do this program at home, ask your teacher for instructions on how you can access it. You can email, call or inquire through your class rep.

Did you know Waite Park Community School's website is updated regularly? It is a great resource for parents and a way to stay informed. The calendar not only tells you about what is happening at Waite but district wide. You can also find the school improvement plan (SIP). The SIP which is developed and written by the Site Council is focused around achievement, school climate and family engagement. The document describes how we will make gains in those areas. Last night at the PTA meeting we learned about curriculum guides that are available online, professional learning communities for teachers, focused instruction, and school wide behavior support. Stay informed by reading the SIP. If you have questions or concerns, you can address them to the principal.

Mark your calendars....

Our fundraising goal this year is $12,000. This money directly supports the classrooms and the students learning to include: field trips, supplies, family engagement, and various fees associated with all of the wonderful events we have at Waite Park. We will work towards this goal by:

The Coin Drive- Starts October 14th. The classes with the highest earnings will have a pizza or sub party.
The B & W Coffee Fundraiser-You should have received a packet. Checks should be made payable to Waite park PTA. All money should be collected and turned in by October 15th, NO cash on delivery of items please.
Direct donations
Classroom sponsorship- from local businesses/interested parties who choose to sponsor a classroom for $100. If you know of a business who may be interested, pick up a donation letter from the office or ask your classroom rep.

Let's make October a great fundraising month, Give to the max!

Do you know a family that is new to the neighborhood? Is someone going to be starting Kindergarten soon? Waite Park offers tours of the school by our Liason Amanda Muenzer. If you or someone you know is interested in a tour and hearing what great offerings we have for our children, contact her directly at 612-668-1600.

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